Week 6 of my 12 Week Fitness Challenge has been all about food. The workouts were good, but Steph and I both agreed that we would step it up regarding food. We were at her parents house for dinner the other week when instead of having sugar in our tea, we tried a product called truvia. Her mother said it was made from the stevia plant and I posted a picture on facebook with the comment that we weren’t using chemical sweetener. We thought we were being health conscious. Though was the key word. According to the comments I received, it looks like the stuff is a processed as it gets!

We thought Truvia was an improvement over sugar, until i posted a picture on facebook.

We thought Truvia was an improvement over sugar, until i posted a picture on facebook.

Ever since I started My 12 Week Fitness Challenge I’ve been more aware of issues regarding health and food. I came across this funny video above that while entertaining, highlights the misleading advertising that occurs with the food we eat. Labels such as ‘natural’ or ‘hear smart’ really mean nothing because for the most part the food industry is regulating itself.

In regard to the natural label, I’ll admit that I was more likely to buy something that has a natural label on it, but now I know better. From now on I will read the ingredients and if there is something that I know isn’t good, or I can’t identify or pronounce then I’ll think twice about it.

We always try to buy organic, but it's really important if you are eating raw or juicing

We always try to buy organic, but it’s really important if you are eating raw or juicing


As for produce, we’ve been making a concerted effort to buy organic but after watching the video with my wife I think we’re going to really crack down and make sure we are eating the best produce possible.

The 80% rule applies to food too. 80% should be vegetables!

The 80% rule applies to food too. 80% should be vegetables!

It may cost a little more but being healthy is much cheaper in the long run!

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